12 arguments in favour of Hungarian-language school choice

Hungarian-language education is the guarantee of the subsistence of the Hungarian community.

Hungarian-language education develops a secure identity for the child, assisting him or her in feeling at home in the immediate and broader community, thus the entire Carpathian Basin.

One may master Hungarian language and culture only in a Hungarian school.

Given that the Hungarian-language school provides excess information and knowledge by teaching two language and culture, it brings about better social advancement.

A Hungarian school is the best choice also for a child raised in a mixed family even if the parent did not attend a Hungarian school.

It is a scientifically proven fact that learning in the mother tongue is the most effective method of acquiring knowledge.

Hungarian schools convey competitive knowledge on account of their superior equipment and well-prepared faculties.

The Hungarian higher education system and labour market will become easily accessible for a child attending a Hungarian-language school.

Pupils attending Hungarian-language institutions are eligible for support from the Hungarian state each year.

The Rákóczi Association’s activities targeted at the Hungarian community of the Carpathian Basin will become accessible to pupils of Hungarian schools.

The Rákóczi Association offers a high-quality schoolbag and a scholarship symbolizing Hungarian unity to all pupils enrolling to Hungarian-language schools.



Objective of the programme: The encouragement and stimulation of Hungarian or partially Hungarian families living outside of the country’s borders to choose a Hungarian-language school for their Hungarian-speaking child reaching mandatory school age. Hungarian school choice provides for the subsistence of Hungarian communities by passing on Hungarian language and culture and secures surplus knowledge and a broader network of relationships by educating in two languages and cultures.

Regions covered by the programme:

  • The entire areas of Felvidék (Slovakia), Subcarpathia (Ukraine), Vojvodina (Serbia) and Croatia inhabited by ethnic Hungarians;
  • In Transylvania and Partium: Arad, Beszterce-Naszód/Bistriţa-Năsăud, Bihar/Bihor, Fehér/Alba, Hunyad/Hunedoara, Krassó-Szörény/Caraş-Severin, Máramaros/Maramureş, Szatmár/Satu Mare, Szeben/Sibiu and Temes/Timiş counties, Csángó territory (Bacău county), as well as the surroundings of the towns of Torda/Turda and Dés/Dej in Kolozs/Cluj county and Szászrégen/Reghin in Maros/Mureş county.

Elements of the Hungarian School Choice Programme:
I. “Gólyahír” Newborn Diary Programme: Outreach to newborns and their families with a specially compiled newborn diary in order to establish initial contact with the family. The programme appealed to over 9000 infants in 2019.
II. School choice campaign

  • Direct outreach to preschool children and their families:

Each year, the programme reaches out to 22 000 preschool children in the Advent period with a symbolic gift, as well as a message and arguments encouraging parents to choose a Hungarian-language school.

  • Media campaign:

The Rákóczi Association disseminates messages encouraging Hungarian-language school choice in the online and offline media between January and March, immediately prior to the school enrolment period.

  • Mass events appealing to pre-schoolers and their parents:

Between January and March, mass events reaching out to preschool children and their parents take place in regional centres with the aim of promoting the agenda of school choice.

  • Schoolbag as a gift to children enrolling to Hungarian schools:

In the spring period, the Rákóczi Association provides a high-quality schoolbags to children enrolling to Hungarian schools.

  • Incentives to nursery school and junior-year teachers:

Annually, meetups take place with the participation of over 600 nursery school and junior-year teachers as an expression of their appreciation, providing a venue for discussions on the School Choice Campaign. Nurseries are eligible to apply for support to fund community events linked to school choice.

IV. Personal accolade of children entering school
Following the onset of the curricular year in September, a scholarship symbolising Hungarian unity and recognition is handed over personally to the families of 8200 children entering school at over 400 locations in ceremonial settings. (In regions outside of Hungary’s state borders, some 14 500 children enter primary education in a Hungarian-language institution annually, of which the Rákóczi Association reaches out to 8200 children.)


A list of localities covered by the programme is available here.

A list of municipalities in Hungary that supported the programme in the past year is available here.